
Arrivals & Departures

Today’s comings and goings at Norwich Airport

From Airline Flight Scheduled Status
AmsterdamKL1055 Landed 08:57KLMKL105508:55Landed 08:57
AlicanteFR5886 Expected 09:05Ryanair DACFR588609:00Expected 09:05
AmsterdamKL1059 KLMKL105916:25
To Airline Flight Scheduled Status
AmsterdamKL1056 Go to departuresKLMKL105609:25Go to departures
AlicanteFR5887 Go to DeparturesRyanair DACFR588709:30Go to Departures
AmsterdamKL1060 KLMKL106016:55
  • Drop-off & Pick-up
    The Drop off/pick up zone is located within the Short Stay car park. Please refer to our Airport Parking page for prices.
    You can book your parking here.
  • Mobile App

    Click below to download our free mobile app:

