
Fast Track Terms & Conditions

Fast Track Terms & Conditions

1. Introduction

These are the Conditions upon which you can purchase a ticket enabling you to take advantage of the Fast Track Service. Please read and understand the Conditions before purchasing your Fast Track Ticket.

The Fast Track Service is a dedicated fast track security channel. The aim of Fast Track is to minimise queuing time in the passenger security area.

2. Interpretation

In these Conditions the following words and phrases have the following meanings: 

“Airport”Norwich Airport. 
“Booking and Payment Terms”The conditions subject to which Fast Track Tickets can be purchased online at which are published on our website at www.norwichairport.co.uk  
“Conditions”The conditions set out below together with the Purchase Procedure and the Booking and Payment Terms.
“Fast Track Service”The dedicated fast track security channel at the Airport.
“Fast Track Ticket”The bar code or boarding card validation entitling you to use the Fast Track Service.
“Allocated Time Band”The period during which your Fast Track Ticket is valid.
“Booking”Any booking for a Fast Track Ticket.
“We, us, our” Norwich Airport Limited.
“Your, you”Any person who purchases a Fast Track Ticket.

The headings are for information only and do not affect interpretation.

3. The Agreement between you and us

3.1 These Conditions apply to you if you buy a Fast Track Ticket.

3.2 We intend relying on these Conditions. If there is anything you do not understand or do not agree with, please contact us this with us before you purchase your Fast Track Ticket.

3.3 Our employees or authorised agents are not permitted to make any representations unless these are confirmed in writing. If we agree changes, please ask us to confirm them in writing. We can then avoid problems over what has been agreed between us.

3.4 Nothing in these Conditions affects your statutory rights.

4. Price

The price for your Fast Track ticket is displayed on our website and includes VAT.

5. Purchase

5.1 Fast Track Tickets can be purchased in advance at norwichairport.co.uk or at the airport.

5.2 You may book up to 6 months ahead of your travel date and in doing so will not be subject to any change in the price which may be introduced before your travel date.

5.3 Every passenger, including infants and babies, requires a Fast Track Ticket in order to use the Fast Track Service.

6. What to do on Arrival at the Fast Track Security Channel

6.1 It is your responsibility to ensure that you arrive at the Airport in sufficient time to allow for all airport processes to arrive to the gate in time for your flight.

6.2 When you arrive at the Fast Track security channel you must present your Booking confirmation to our employee or agent. Please note that you may only enter the Fast Track security channel during your Allocated Time Band.

7. Our Responsibility to You

7.1 Fast Track Tickets will be available for purchase on a ‘first come first served’ basis and we may place a limit on the number of Fast Track Tickets available. Once the maximum level has been reached for any particular period no further Fast Track Tickets will be available. For example, where your party consists of 4 persons but only 2 Fast Track Tickets are available then you can either purchase two Fast Track Tickets and members of your party must use the standard queue lane.

7.2 In exceptional circumstances we may not be able to accommodate you in the Fast Track Channel. If this happens, we will give you first priority in other security channels. If we cannot do this, we will refund the purchase price to you.

7.3 In purchasing your Fast Track Ticket you acknowledge and accept the possibility of delays at the security search point due to reasons beyond our control such as staff sickness, industrial action, government policy or any other reason. In such circumstances no refund will be offered for your Fast Track Ticket.

7.4 Norwich Airport makes no guarantee as to minimum or maximum numbers of Passengers queuing within Fast Track Security, or that Fast Track Customers will pass through security quicker with the Fast Track Pass than without it.

8. Your Fast Track Ticket

8.1 Once we have received your booking, we will e-mail a confirmation to you at the email address you have given. The Booking will be completed when we send our e-mail confirmation.

8.2 That e-mail confirmation will include a booking reference which you need to quote if you want to contact us about your Booking. Print out this e-mail confirmation and bring it with you to the Airport or present an electronic copy on your device.

8.3 Please check straight away that the information given on the Booking confirmation is correct. Let us know immediately if it is not. Our contact details are set out below.

8.4 Your Fast Track Ticket is:

8.4.1 Personal to the person making it. It cannot be transferred to any other person.

8.4.2 Valid only for the date and time specified on it. Dates and time are non-transferable.

8.4.3 Non-refundable at any point prior to travel.

8.4.4 Valid only for use with a valid boarding card.

8.4.5 Subject to current security regulations outside of our control.

8.4.6 For single use only. It cannot be used more than once.

8.5 Your Fast Track ticket does not: –

8.5.1 Eliminate or diminish the standard security procedure. The standard UK airport security search procedure will apply to all departing passengers.

8.5.2 Guarantee any maximum or minimum queue length or queuing time.

9. Flight Cancellations/Delay

In the event of a flight delay or cancellation all purchases are subject to the Air Passenger Charter and any request for a refund must be made in writing to your Airline. In the event of a flight cancellation or delay directly attributable to Norwich Airport you should write to us at the contact address below.

10. Force Majeure

We shall not be liable for any failure to provide the Fast Track Service or for any cancellation, curtailment or otherwise caused by reason of war or threat of war, riots, civil strife, terrorist activity, industrial disputes, mechanical or systems failures of whatever nature, natural and nuclear disaster, fire, adverse weather conditions or technical problems to transport, any late or delayed personal transport, taxi, train or bus or other transport services used by you in travelling to the Airport, closure or congestion of the Airport, cancellation or changes of schedules by airlines, and all similar events beyond our control.

11. Comments and Complaints

11.1 Any comments – good or bad – relating to your Fast Track Tickets should be made in writing to us at our address below or by email. If you feel the need to complain, please give us as much information as possible. This will make it easier for us to deal with your complaint.

11.2 We will try and answer all complaints within 15 working days. If we cannot, we will tell you when we expect to be able to do so. If you want to make a complaint, please do so as quickly as possible as the longer you leave it the more difficult it may be for us to check what happened.

12. How to Contact Us

Please click here to email us. 

Write to us at:

Customer Relations
Norwich Airport
Amsterdam Way