
Dementia information event at Norwich Airport

A special event showcasing how Norwich Airport is becoming more dementia friendly is being held on Friday, May 24th in support of Dementia Action Week.

As part of the airport’s commitment to supporting people with hidden disabilities, it will be hosting the information event alongside Age UK Norwich, the Alzheimer’s Society and Home Instead Senior Care.

For someone with dementia, travelling through an airport can be a frightening experience, something Norwich Airport, a member of Norwich Dementia Action Alliance (DAA), is working hard to change.

In partnership with other DAA members, the airport has developed innovative tools like a video walk-through so people with dementia and their carers know what to expect.

They are also encouraged to visit the airport before their day of travel so they can rehearse with staff exactly what will happen. Other changes have included improved signage, flooring and allowing more time for check-in.

Local people are invited to visit Norwich Airport on May 24th to see what it is doing to become more dementia friendly, and get information about dementia and support available to people later in life.

Jamie Price, Norwich Airport Security Manager, said: “We know that for some people with dementia, visiting public places such as an airport can be an overwhelming experience.

“Thanks to expert advice we have made a few simple changes to improve that experience for people with dementia and their families and we hope it will give them the confidence to visit the airport.

“Our mission is to make sure that those living with hidden disabilities and their families have the opportunity to enjoy their journey through our airport and receive all the help and support they need.

“We are committed to Norwich Airport being a dementia-friendly environment and are proud to be taking part in the information event. We encourage as many people as possible to come along on the day.”

Mark Johnston, from Home Instead Senior Care, said: “Almost all of us know someone affected by dementia and so we all have a reason to take action and learn more about it. When it comes to fighting dementia, awareness is key and we are passionate about supporting people to live well with dementia.”