
Loganair add flights to Jersey in 2017

More flights between Jersey and Norwich in 2017


Flybe franchise partner Loganair today announced new services between Jersey and Norwich as part of its 2017 summer schedule.

These comprise flights on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays throughout next summer, with convenient mid-morning or mid-afternoon flight times.

They will operate between May 1 and October 8, and Loganair will closely monitor performance of the route to assess whether there is demand to move the route onto a year-round footing.    A 31-seat Dornier 328 fast turboprop aircraft will be used on the new services.   Fares will start from £49.99 one-way including airline taxes and charges and including a free checked baggage allowance, which is standard on all Loganair services.

Services will leave Norwich at 14:00 on Mondays, Fridays and Sundays and at 10:50 on Wednesdays for the 75 minute flight to Jersey.   Return flights will leave Jersey at 15:45 on Mondays, Fridays and Sundays and at 12:35 on Wednesdays.

Loganair managing director Jonathan Hinkles said: “These additional flights will complement the Saturday service operated by Flybe and will restore weekday services between Norwich and the Channel Islands after an absence of several years.  The route has primarily focused on summer holiday customers up to now, but we hope to prove a pattern demand from the business community and from those visiting friends and relatives in East Anglia that will ultimately support the route’s development into a year-round weekday service.”

Although its main heartland of operations is in Scotland, Loganair maintains an operating base at Norwich Airport, where it employs 25 pilots, cabin crew and engineers to support two aircraft.  Jersey will become Loganair’s third route from Norwich, joining Edinburgh and Manchester in its network.

A £10 Airport Development Fee is levied by Norwich Airport for adult customers aged 16 or over departing from Norwich, payable at the airport or on-line prior to departure.

Loganair summer services are now available to book at www.flybe.com.